Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Yogyakarta October 2014

This is my first trip to Yogyakarta or better known as Jogja. It was a simple trip. No many high rise buildings. People live in a simple lifestyle.

I was excited when i was able to find the public bus from the airport to Malioboro Street. It costed me USD 0.30cents. Well, the bus stop was just in front of the airport. The transportation company was called JogjaTrans.

Eventhough Malioboro street was a famous street there , personally it didn't have much places to hang out. The stalls only sold Batik products. You can't find a proper food unless in the hotels.

Don't you worry, the price won't cost you a bomb. They're cheap.

No one

Tak ramai kawan di JB. Semuanya di KL. Seorang diri mendengar musik instrumental khas untuk terapi. Mengemas bilik tidurku dengan scented oil.